Deep Blue at the EASN 11th International Conference with five research projects

Deep Blue at the EASN 11th International Conference with five research projects

We are pleased to announce that Deep Blue will participate in the upcoming EASN 11th International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens”. The conference will take place online, from the 1st until the 3rd of September 2021.

Deep Blue will be represented by six EU-funded research projects we are part of. They will participate in three different sessions, two of them taking place on September 2nd (Room 3) and the third on September 3rd (Room 7). The first two sessions aim to show the results and potential of drones-related researches; they also underline the contribution of the SESAR Joint Undertaking to the scientific, civil and industry communities. The last one, instead, explores the use of Artificial Intelligence in aviation and future scenarios.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) – 2 September 2021, Room 3

The first virtual session specifically aims at discussing Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). It involves the INVIRCAT, URClearED, SAFELAND, PJ13, and CORUS-XUAM projects. Here below a few details about the projects Deep Blue is working in:

• 14:25-14:45. Florian Lӧhr will chair the presentation of INVIRCAT, which proposes a concept of operations to efficiently integrate remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) into the existing air traffic control procedures and infrastructures within terminal manoeuvring areas (TMA) under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).
• 14:45-15:05. The URClearED project, instead, is defining requirements and capabilities for the Remain-Well-Clear function of a Detect & Avoid system for unmanned air vehicles into airspace classes D-G. Gianluca Corraro will introduce the project.
• 15:45-16:05. Stefano Bonelli (Deep Blue) will present SAFELAND, which is studying how to enhance safety in case of single pilot operation due to incapacitation, until landing. The project focuses on the ground side, and in particular on the supporting role Air Traffic Management (ATM) could have.

Innovative applications of drones – 2 September 2021, Room 3

The second session focuses in detail on innovative applications of drones. Damiano Taurino (Deep Blue) will moderate the session and associated roundtable. The sessions hosts EU projects specifically funded to explore how drones can ensure safety in transport: Drones4Safety, Labyrinth, Rapid and 5D-Aerosafe.

• Starting at 16:55, Emad Samuel Malki will present Drones4Safety. This project is building an operating drone system to enhance transport safety; it aims to develop a system of autonomous, self-charging, and collaborative drones that can continuously inspect transportation infrastructures.

AI and future scenarios in aviation – 3 September 2021, Room 7

Finally, Simone Pozzi (Deep Blue) will chair a session dedicated to the digital and technological transformation currently affecting aviation; in particular, the round table will explore future scenarios related to the use of Artificial Intelligence in this transport sector.

• Within this session, starting at 10:45, Daniele Ruscio (Deep Blue) will present the ARTIMATION project. Its goal is to provide a transparent and explainable AI model (XAI). In particular, the project explores the ATM field and the use of immersive analytics to display information. In the end, ARTIMATION is trying to answer to the question: how transparent should the AI be to the controller?

• At 11:05, Carlo Abate (Deep Blue) will introduce Safemode. This project is strengthening synergies between aviation and maritime in the area of Human Factors. The presentation deals with risk modelling in aviation, and in particular with the need for risk models to capture both the negative and positive human contributions to safety, thus defining the human component of failure and success.

Conference and registration

The 11th EASN Virtual International Conference is a high-quality scientific conference organized by the European Aeronautics Science Network. EASN aims to create a unique, open European platform for the aeronautic research community to share, compare and disseminate scientific knowledge on aeronautics.

To attend the event, you need to register on the EASN Conference website, where you can also have a look at the full agenda. We look forward to meeting you there!

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