Our services
Human & Organisational Factors
We value human performance to improve safety and productivity in complex, high-tech organisations.
User Experience & User Research
We design user-centred solutions: effective, simple for the user and error-proof.
Innovation Strategy & Implementation
We support organizations in the definition and implementation of innovative procedures.
Safety & Security Management
We guide our clients towards the highest standards of reliability, safety and resilience.
Communication & Dissemination
A team of journalists, communicators, graphic designers and video makers at your service.
Our research activity
We have been contributing to the development of research and innovation in Europe since 2001. We obtained funding from the EU in over 120 projects (19 as coordinators), in the Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, CEF2027, CERV, DIGITAL, Erasmus+ and FP7 framework programs (data updated to December 2023, source European Commission). In the H2020 and Horizon Europe programs, we are the first Italian SME for projects won and implemented.