Course on Crew Resource Management (CRM)

Optimising team performance for safe and effective operations.

Course on Crew Resource Management (CRM)

The Crew Resource Management training develops the skills for effective teamwork, such as communication, leadership, error and workload management. 

Get the best out of your colleagues

After a series of accidents in the Seventies, the aviation world has questioned the assumption that crews composed of capable and well-trained individuals will be able to operate effectively. Rather, dysfunctional teams can result in performance well below the standard of the individual team members, while well functioning teams exceed the capacity of individuals. 

Crew Resource Management training addressed this gap, to the point that it became an industry-wide standard in the Eighties and the Nineties, spreading beyond the pilots, to the whole crew, to Air Traffic Controllers, Engineers and Maintenance people.



At the end of the training, participants will be able to: 

  • provide a list of the conditions that positively influence individual and group performance;
  •  facilitate cooperative, decision-making and problem-solving processes;
  • recognize, report and manage threats and errors;
  • cope with situations of high workload, stress and emergency management;
  • assertively communicate under time pressure.

Main Topics and Structure

Each module is focused on one teamwork skill or tool and is structured as follows: 

  • introduction to the competence or tool object of analysis and sharing of opinions, knowledge and previous experiences by the participants
  • briefing and execution of an exercise
  • debriefing of the activity on the reference teamwork skill or tool
  • final discussion to facilitate the transfer to operations. 



The course is offered in basic and advanced versions. The advanced version involves the use of a computer simulation, in which participants will face pressure or emergency situations.

The course duration can be customised. As a reference, the typical duration of the basic course is two days, while the advanced lasts three days. It can be held in English or Italian and modules can be scheduled consecutively, or as stand-alone modules on non-consecutive days.

Designed for:


Our Trainers

All Deep Blue courses are taught by senior trainers with proven experience.

Privileged Training Partner of:

  • European Space Agency – European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC)
  • EUROCONTROL, the Aviation Learning Centre (ALC) and Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC)
  • the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • the Italian ANSP (ENAV) and the Italian Professional Association of Air Traffic Controllers
  • Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco Italiano

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