Course on Liability and Legal Case

An innovative systematic approach to designing safe and effective systems.

Course on Liability and Legal Case

Different industries are seeing a wave of new systems based on automation and ensuring higher levels of efficiency and safety. However, this technological change is bringing potential liability changes, for instance shifting the legal responsibilities from one organisation to another, or increasing the responsibility of frontline operators. Liability allocation is not a static matter, but can be designed-in since the very beginning of innovation projects. 

Automation and liability

The ‘Liability and Automation’ course designed by Deep Blue ensures that all actors and stakeholders concerned by the introduction of new systems based on automation correctly address and understand the complex link between automation and liability. The course proposes a new systemic approach considering liability as a design element of the system and providing the tools to take it into account during the design process.



  • understanding of different liabilities associated with stakeholders and actors involved;
  • understanding how the level of automation and the human-machine interaction can affect liability risks and attribution;
  • identifying issues potentially affecting the acceptability of the liability allocation scheme and planning suitable mitigation measures.

Main Topics and Structure

The participants will learn the legal case methodology and see it applied to real cases. It provides an understanding of the scenario affected by liability risks and the approach to follow for finding adequate mitigation measures. The lessons will include exercises and scenarios specifically adapted to the audience, engaging participants in group activities, role-play, games and exercises.



Main topics addressed:

  • introduction to a systemic approach to liability framework;
  • liability by design approach and Legal Case methodology;
  • examples of application of the Legal Case.


The course duration can be customised. As a reference, the typical duration is two days. It can be held in English or Italian and modules can be scheduled consecutively, or as stand-alone modules on non-consecutive days.

Designed for:


Our Trainers

All Deep Blue courses are taught by senior trainers with proven experience.

Privileged Training Partners of:

  • European Space Agency – European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC)
  • EUROCONTROL, the Aviation Learning Centre (ALC) and Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC)
  • the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • the Italian ANSP (ENAV) and the Italian Professional Association of Air Traffic Controllers
  • Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco Italiano

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