Course on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)

Providing a deep understanding of the risk management framework within UAS operations.

Course on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)

The European UAS regulatory framework based on Regulations (EU) 2019/947 and (EU) 2019/945 identifies three operation categories: open, specific and certified. Operations in the specific category require that a risk assessment is prepared and submitted to the CAA for obtaining the authorisation to fly. EASA recommends the use of the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology for authorisation. In a complementary way, SESAR developed the MEthoDology for the U-Space Safety Assessment (MEDUSA), considering the outcome of different SORA assessments and integrating those results in a single U-Space safety assessment.

Fly safe with the SORA methodology

The SORA course aims at providing a deep knowledge of the SORA methodology, its application to UAS operations in specific category and its implications for the U-Space. It is particularly suggested to UAS operators, ANSP, UAS manufacturers, U-Space providers and personnel of competent authorities that need to evaluate applications based on SORA.



By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology.
  • Understand the concepts of the MEthoDology for the U-Space Safety Assessment (MEDUSA).
  • Acquire the capability to review or develop the application for flight authorization.
  • Know how SORA and MEDUSA deal with the risk related to UAS operations in controlled airspace and/or with the support of U-space services.

Main Topics and Structure

The SORA course concentrates on:

  • Definition of the operations requiring the SORA analysis
  • the process steps, including the identification of risks and mitigation strategies as well as applicable requirements. 
  • Standard Scenarios and Pre-Defined-Risk-Assessment (PDRA), with a focus on the U-Spaces implications. 
  • Examples and exercises based on real practical cases.



The recommended duration is 2.5 days. It can also be held in English or Italian and modules can be scheduled consecutively, or as stand-alone modules on non-consecutive days.

The course is delivered in partnership with EuroUSC Italia (Drone courses for operators and companies – EuroUSC Italia). 

Designed for:

Fire Brigades
Rescue & Emercencies
UTM Providers

Our Trainers

All Deep Blue courses are taught by senior trainers with proven experience.

Privileged Training Partner of:

  • European Space Agency – European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC)
  • EUROCONTROL, the Aviation Learning Centre (ALC) and Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC)
  • the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • the Italian ANSP (ENAV) and the Italian Professional Association of Air Traffic Controllers
  • Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco Italiano

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