Course on Team Resource Management for Disaster Response
Developing essential skills for challenging scenarios.
This course applies the principles of good teamwork to crisis situations, to ensure that teams can effectively perform also in extreme conditions, stressful and with considerable uncertainty. The critical team competences in disaster response are the capability to prepare in advance and to adapt in real-time to a dynamic environment.To train these capabilities, we designed an experience-driven programme that challenges participants to collaborate in teams and face demanding situations.
The training is supported by a serious game about disaster management and/or by a computer simulation of a space mission. Both activities are designed to foster the improvement of communication, teamwork, situational awareness, problem-solving and decision-making. Wrap-up sessions facilitate the transfer of effective behaviours to everyday work life.
- Communicate efficiently under time pressure,
- Work in high-performing teams, quickly adapting to the situation,
- Deal with lack of information and fragmented uncertain knowledge,
- Coordinate to optimise the use of available resources,
- Adapt communication and coordination to fit the characteristics of own team and external parties (e.g. other teams of first responders, volunteers).
Main Topics and Structure
- Communication
- Teamwork and team traps
- Briefing and debriefing
- Decision making and problem solving
- Human error management
- Situational awareness
The course – aimed at managers, team leaders, trainers and team members – is completely customizable according to the client’s needs and the type of organisation. The recommended duration is 2.5 days, divided into 5 modules of 3.5 hours each.
The course can be held in English or Italian and modules can be scheduled consecutively, or as stand-alone modules on non-consecutive days.
Designed for:
Our Trainers
All Deep Blue courses are taught by senior trainers with proven experience.
Privileged Training Partner of:
- European Space Agency – European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC)
- EUROCONTROL, the Aviation Learning Centre (ALC) and Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (MUAC)
- the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- the Italian ANSP (ENAV) and the Italian Professional Association of Air Traffic Controllers
- Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco Italiano