Deep Blue delivers three free IANS webinars

Deep Blue delivers three free IANS webinars

In the next few weeks, three of our colleagues are going to deliver free webinars hosted by EUROCONTROL’s IANS. Each webinar will last 90 minutes. They will explore respectively the basics of Human Factors, the legal implications of AI in aviation, and the SORA methodology.


Human Role in Future Aviation

Join our Senior Human Factors Consultant Katarzyna Cichomska for this live training session.
Over the coming years, technological evolution will have a profound impact on many industrial sectors. Many of the major drivers of transformation will have a significant impact on the human role. Changes will range, for example, from the creation of new jobs to job displacement, and from heightened labour productivity to widening skills gaps. In short, the webinar covers the basics of Human Factors, addressing a wide audience. It will discuss the impact of technological trends on working practices and skills profiles, focusing on the aviation domain.


Legal issues of Artificial Intelligence

Join our Human Factors specialist Paola Lanzi for this live webinar on the legal implications of artificial intelligence.
The webinar focuses in particular on legal issues that emerge in relation to aspects such as liability allocation, transparency and explainability, faulty determinations, personal data and governance, without of course losing the link with the human factors.


Introduction to the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology

Join our R&D Manager Marco Ducci for a live training session providing a quick overview of the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology.
In short, SORA is the safety assessment methodology for drone operations. The webinar aims to offer the perspective of both the drone operator and the ATM and U-Space providers in the development and evaluation of safety assessments, with a focus on the evaluation of the “air” risk.

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