Research and consulting for the Manufacturing sector

We assist major industries in the implementation of collaborative and technologically advanced interactions.




Nuove tecnologie, come un braccio meccanico vengono utilizzate a supporto del settore manifatturiero.
Un operatore del settore manifatturiero supervisiona un braccio meccanico.

Partners for Industry 5.0

We assist large manufacturing companies in implementing Industry 4.0 innovations, also looking at the future Collaborative Industry, or Industry 5.0, a sustainable and resilient business model in which autonomous and smart machines cooperate with humans safely and effectively. We help promote a digital transition that puts people and their interactions with new tools and platforms at the centre. We support our clients in shaping the new processes, skills and work teams necessary for innovative production. 


User Experience and User Research: present and future challenges

We analyse current processes and design the best transition toward future high-tech production scenarios with our clients. Adopting new technologies means suggesting new ways of working: this is why we design User Experience to effectively prepare change, focusing not on single elements of user-technology interaction but looking at the overall work process and environment, taking into account all aspects of the organization, communication, environment and professional training requirements. Since 2016 we have been working alongside multinational packaging companies to modernize production lines, helping them achieve business goals through improved employee satisfaction and safety.



un operatore monitora le procedure nella linea di produzione.
Una donna ingegnere coordina gli operatori e mostra le procedure da svolgere su un tablet.

Industry research and change management solutions

We help the industry to reconfigure production according to changing market needs. With the European research project CO-VERSATILE, we have developed a toolkit comprising five integrated tools that can be used by all companies to identify and develop new skills, required by the introduction of innovative technologies and production processes, such as:

  • Identification of areas impacted by reconfiguration processes
  • Identification and analysis of the tasks, responsibilities and resources required by a new configuration.
  • Identification of skills required for the production line.
  • Tools for self-assessment of skills and definition of training needs
  • Review of the current training system and preparation of new activities to fill skill gaps and develop new ones 


Ethical and legal issues with Artificial Intelligence

We are enabling the transition to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and towards increasing levels of automation in the manufacturing sector, also working on legal and ethical issues that need to be resolved, such as the allocation of liability in case of accidents (liability) and the need for artificial intelligence to be understandable (explainability), ethical and accountable. In the XMANAI project, Deep Blue’s legal area and our Human Factors experts worked on the legal liability part within an eight-dimensional framework for assessing the risks associated with AI applications in industry. The tool is available for manufacturing industries as an iterative process to be applied either at the beginning of a project or for the evaluation of a system that have already been implemented. It is articulated as follow:

  • Analysis of the risks associated with AI applications.
  • Identification of critical points with risk beyond the established threshold of acceptability.
  • Development of mitigation actions to be implemented to bring the risk within the established threshold.

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