On the 11th of February, Deep Blue presented NINA project‘s final results to the SESAR Joint Undertaking. NINA explored the possibility to use brain waves to measure Air Traffic Controllers’ mental workload. Using neurophysiological measures to assess the mental state of ATCOs’ opened new paths to improve safety in Air Traffic Management. In fact, the real time evaluation of the level of cognitive workload of ATCOs allows for the adoption of adaptive automation interfaces solutions, triggered by their current workload.
A significant location hosted the presentation: the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC). Located in Brétigny-sur-Orge, France, the EEC carries out R&D activities to help improve the European air traffic management system’s safety and performance.
During this last meeting, we illustrated the project final results to SESAR JU representatives not previously aware of the project. Above all, they received very well the presentation of NINA’s results, leading to a widely positive feedback from the audience.