On the 5th of May, we hosted a progress meeting of the NINA project. The research project is exploring the possibility of using neurophysiological measures to assess air traffic controllers’ mental state.
The project Consortium discussed and presented to the Project Officer an overview of NINA, and the results achieved during the preliminary validation activity. In particular, project partners Deep Blue, Sapienza and ENAC provided information about:
– the literature review on Human Factors concepts,
– the experimental platform used during the simulations,
– the validation set up and results achieved in the first phase of the project.
The results demonstrated that the Mental State Classifier algorithm developed within NINA was able to track the current ATCO’s workload with realistic Air Traffic Management tasks and environments. Furthermore, the same algorithm was able to differentiate with high discrimination different levels of operator’s performance.
This first phase of the project provided encouraging results, laying the foundation for the second validation activity.