Support for the adoption of a Smart Working plan

Support for the adoption of a Smart Working plan

Since December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases in the city of Wuhan, China, has developed into a pandemic wave still ravaging several countries. The pathogen causing the acute pneumonia among affected individuals is the new coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The pandemic forced governments to lock-down socioeconomic activities to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and its related disease, COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 19). Most of the businesses, in Italy and abroad, had to enforce stay-at-home restrictions that implied teleworking or smart working.

In this framework, Deep Blue applied for a regional funding to be used to implement smart working.
The “Support for the adoption of a Smart Working plan” project had the overall objective of analysing the company work structure and procedures, drafting a smart working plan, and implementing it in a 5-month pilot. Overall, the project lasted 10 months and included training courses for managers and employees, consultancy on company management and work organisation, plus the purchase of technological devices to support the implementation.
The main expected outcomes are to make the company even more flexible and resilient to any disruption and unexpected event, and to foster a better work-life balance for its employees, while maintaining quality and efficiency. We are also glad to embrace this possibility to reduce our environmental impact and increase the sustainability of our work activities, due to the remotisation of office life.

The project was funded by POR Lazio FSE 2014/2020 Asse 1 – Obiettivo specifico 8.5 – Azione Cardine 20.

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